40 Results
Perfect for inspiring others, well done bird view!
It is nice night visualization. If you use ¨blured¨ lights from cars, you should blur people as well.
Greenery is missing a shadows. So it is not connected with rest of the picture.
It is really nice render, you can improve it a little, by adding propper lights ¨reflections¨ under street lamps, and setting more light to spread outside building. The ground is a bit too dark there.
I like the colors and the design of this picture but the character in the middle takes a little too much attention. On the one hand, it's good, because it's hard to tear yourself away from a picture, but the question is what is presented here.
This is an interesting picture - the part is very good, but then there are a few elements that spoil the impression. The part in the green marking is almost perfect photorealistically and visually pleasing. But then there is the large-scale texture, the lack of profiling of sidewalks and paths, some shape that is not completely smooth, etc. Overall, the camera is aimed unnecessarily low, it would be better to move the shot more up to the sky. (move camera down and look more forward)
Awesome hand sketches, it is very important to show the source of the idea and hand sketches are the best way to do so, they´re easy to understand and always point out the most important parts of the idea. At the same time you show your artistic skills what makes the project more trustworthy and personal.
Truly amazing visualisation. Explanatory, great color correction and the right contrast for the most important part. Using a dark water material makes the project really stand out from the image.
Very eye-pleasing visuals, soft, with the right lighting are giving the viewer a very comforting feeling. Great consistent mood and nice floor plan drawing with the right line thickness.
On the main layout I would choose 1 specific picture that should be "the representative", the most important one and make it stand out (e.g. make it the biggest one or use a distinctive color as a background or frame) , otherwise the viewer´s focus is a bit distracted, jumping from one picture to another too fast.
Well done!
This visualization is very good. The composition is very good.
I would add more detail to the wood texture.
I like the emphasis of the object on the surroundings. I might add more greenery.
Great axonometry, explains the whole mass clearly and the color palette is interesting. Well done.
I like the consistency of this project - the color scheme and the layout is is stable, graphic elements are easy to understand and quite explanatory. To the visualisation itself - I find the black frame a bit distracting (maybe you could use the blue color from the color scheme or nothing at all). It would also be nice to leave a bit more blank space on the top of the picture so the whole composition doesn´t feel so "tight".
Great 2D drawings! I love the color scheme and the simplicity. The viewer can understand everything right away.
Impressive 2D skills! I love the colors, the consistency, level of detail and clarity, the graphic design itself. Well done! The most eye-catching are the lineart graphic elements so I would stick to them also on the front page.
Some sheets contain too much information and are hard to read on PC. I can imagine it looks amazing on giant printed sheets but it´s not as suitable for the web version. Otherwise, great work!
P.S.: I would use the same font also on the front page for more consistency.
Nice use of colors, atmosphere and details. Looks very soft, gentle and nature-friendly. I would stick to this style with all the visualisations.
I know it´s very tricky with photomatching, but it´s too obivous that the lighting isn´t right here. In these cases it´s okay to make it a bit more artistic than realistic - maybe turn the photo background to black-and-white or use some kind of sketchy style.
I like the mood of this project. I would add more detail to the model and change the orientation of some textures.
I like how the render is colorful and full of life. It has a very positive effect. I would add more detail to the textures and model.
I would add more detail to the model.
Very good visualization. I like the mood and life in this picture. I also like the composition.
Very good visualization. I like the mood and life in this picture. I also like the composition. I would use less bright sunshine.
I would add more detail to the texture of the sidewalk and roofs.
This project has a very nice atmosphere. I would add more greenery - stoma, shrubs and 3d grass. I would add more detail to the textures and model.
Very nice project. I like colors and light. I would fill the foreground of the visualization more.
I would add more children's characters and highlight them.
I would choose a different view. I would add more detail to the textures.
Nice view. I would add more detail to the textures.
The texture on the facade disappears and the whole building thus becomes a uniform strange area, which is visually incomprehensible. The use of greenery is very pleasant. So are the animals. They also have a bad cut, but it doesn't really matter at all. :) The shadows on the trees are a little more confusing.
Well illustrated section.
Very nice interior. I would just add more detail to the wood texture.
Here could be a bit more ambient light from the roof. And still same issue with texture. Myaby tehere can be some furniture or somethig, explaining funcionality of these nonvertical walls.
In terms of volume, there is an interesting building that could be perfectly presented using visualizations. But one must keep in mind that the presentation of such an organic architecture is a bit specific. In addition, the choice to present this empty space creates additional special requirements for model accuracy and texturing, viewing angles, and shot selection.
The focal length of the camera is very low, which makes the surroundings of the building unbelievable. It also distorts the very impression of the geometry of the building. For shapes like this, it is advisable to choose a focal length in Lumion of at least 25-30mm, but ideally a little more.
If you decide to present a visualization with characters, cars and a crowded at all, you need to make it believable. In professional visualizations, characters are used who do something and follow the purpose of the building, or highlight the purpose of the surrounding space. It is also necessary to pay attention to their placement and the position of the image. Here they are more for determining the scale, but they do not give a story or an impression, so it would be better to delete them or place them completely differently. To determine the scale, it might be better to put a well-known element close to the camera and then closer to the building, a bench may be perfect. The one on one side of the road, the bus stop on the other side, will serve as a sizing.
The sky and the overall effects are pleasant, combined with the architecture, which is visually interesting, there is simplicity of expression in place. There should be as few elements as possible to disturb it. These are, for example, rays of light passing through a building. They probably wouldn't even go that way. In addition, the glass is illuminated as if from a side other than the rays. On the contrary, it is good to use effects that underline the solitude of the state, such as the well-used effect of reflections and puddles. You choose nice colors setting.
The notes on the exteriors are basically all similar to the first picture. But after going through only the visualizations, I only understood in almost the last pictures what the building actually looks like from the outside. For this type of architecture, it is appropriate to focus more on the views perpendicular to the individual facades. I know they are on the drawing, but why not show them in the visualization? I would not be afraid of the orthogonal views, which are in great demand in Lumion for this purpose. Such stairs, which could be in a pleasant contrast with the building, are not particularly shown anywhere, but they are an interesting element.
I really appreciate the details, such as the reflections in the puddles and the work with sidewalks and roads in general. The models and texturing of the objects at the back is also perfect. Of course, it is a bit obvious here that the building "optically falls", but quite negligibly.
This is a beautiful scheme, which could be supplemented by visualization from each important part, and numbering could easily be used, as is often the case in important places on maps.
This picture was definitely supposed to be the first, because it shows the whole building and clearly states that it is exceptional. Which fits her purpose. But because the design is optically simple, which is attractive, it is necessary to pay attention to the detailed settings of materials, lights, decorations, etc. This is quite nicely done here, only the materials are not completely legible for me. It would definitely like to add reflections to the surfaces.
Great image! You definetely have the technical skills and artistic feeling. And as such I will focus more on the details throughout the images.
1) Flowers in grass - Like the idea, just be careful with how much attention the flowers take. Especially the blue flowers are way too satured in comparison to the nice colorgrading of the rest of the image - I would lower the saturation little bit.
2) Framing - Personally I would frame the image so the building one the left is more prominent and working as a foreground. Either by moving the building or by adjusting the framing. Same goes for the tree on the right side I would move it in a little bit more.
3) Banding in the sky - These stripes usually occur when working in jpgs (or any other compressed file format) in postproduction. The way around this is to work with RAW files in more than 8 bit color depth. Personally I use TIFs.
4) Background through trees - Maybe it is correct this way depending on the reality, but usually I would put either models in the background or simple plane with some photo mapped. This way it feels that the proposal is on a hill or something.
5) Wall texture - I have a feeling that the texture repeats itself especially on the marked side (red). Most softwares today have some sort of UVW randomizer that can help you with this. Also is the scale of the brick wall correct? It is hard to tell but always check the scale of your textures.
Nice image! Just a few ideas..:
1) I would maybe add one or two person to clearly show the scale
2) Lamps - Nice detail I would move them a little bit to the left because as of now the lamp creates a tangent with the corner of the building in the back (to read more about this just google
3) Framing - I would add a little bit more space to the bottom of the image (see my sketch included)