Freight station Žižkov

Idea projektu

The design is oriented to the surroundings of the former freight station Žižkov in Prague. The actual part is near the center of Prague, but at the same time it is a huge territorial reserve with great potential for development. In the future, there is a planned metro station D and the territory will become an important transport hub of Prague 3. I divided the whole solved part into 3 parts - the center, the area of inspiration and an oasis of peace. The center becomes an important transport hub, brings shopping opportunities and becomes a fully functional square of Prague 3. The territory of inspiration is to connect all age groups in the place with the industrial atmosphere. It houses cultural and educational buildings and also becomes a local center. On the contrary, an oasis of tranquility connects the busy part of the territory with the vast Olšany Cemeteries.

Popis projektu

The work focuses primarily on the solution of complex and unused territory, includes a mass urban design, a new transport solution and creates a unique square ending with two towers that form the gateway to the area.

Technické informace

The proposal responds to rainwater problems. The new buildings have green roofs and several retention lakes or open channels are designed to slow down the water flow and create a pleasant climate. The pavement surfaces are made of permeable paving and there are alleys of trees in the streets.

Ivana Složilová

CTU in Prague - Faculty of Civil Engineering

Czech Republic

Urban Design



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